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3 Best Spots For Wall-Hanger Crappie

What is a wall-hanger crappie? In Mississippi it might be a 3 or 3 1/2-pound fish. On other good crappie lakes it might be just shy of 3 pounds. On some lakes it might be a 1 1/2-pounder. Beauty, they say, is in the eye of the beholder, as is a wall-hanger crappie.

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Boo Shakin' Monster Bass

An angler gets dressed up in a costume -- like a multi-colored laminated shirt with 27 logos and a matching hat -- then goes around to where the bass live and knocks on the door and yells “trick or treat!” Some days you’re tricked and others treated, but one thing’s for certain, both begging children and hopeful bass anglers are proud of a big sack when the day is done.

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Northern Fall Topwater Tips for Big Smallmouth Bass

Smallmouth bass are like coiled springs ready to bounce into the air almost anytime water temperature is above 50 degrees, and there’s no finer sight than a jumping bronzeback against the elegant colors of autumn in the North. It’s even more beautiful if that bass nearly stopped your heart with a shocking topwater strike.

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Fall Bluegill Fishing Tips

If you’ve ever seen a misdirected grasshopper land in the drink, you know what happens next. The hopper stays motionless for a moment and then scurries frantically across the surface. Most never reach land because bluegills stay on the lookout for swimming land bugs, especially during fall, when grasshoppers abound in shoreline grass and more than a few end up with their feet wet.

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Striper Fishing Tips For Fall and Spring

Stripers prefer water temperature around 55- to 68-degrees. If the water is too hot, they may feed shallow occasionally, but quickly return to the oxygenated rich, cooler water. Same goes for extremely cold water. But between the two extremes comes your best bet for some of the most exciting fishing freshwater has to offer.

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Where To Catch Giant Speckled Trout

Finding the “X” isn’t just for pirates. Anglers are looking for it, too, that little known and hard to find location that holds the key to consistently catching quality speckled trout at jetty systems on the Gulf Coast. The location of the “X,” from early to mid summer, often is a “washout.” These are the places in granite monoliths where water flows from the channel to the Gulf side and vice versa.

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Best Place for a Shallow Crankbait

One of the best places for a shallow running crankbait is a flat with plenty of wood cover, and it’s often essential to crash the bait into the wood to get a strike. Remember, you can get a shallow-runner deeper by throwing it on lighter line. The XCalibur Square Lip was designed to ricochet off cover and come through the thick stuff. Make sure you’re hitting it. Likewise, if the area you’re fishing is less than 3 feet deep, heavier line will keep the bait running shallower.

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