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Bobby Garland Crappie Kit

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This mix of top baits from Bobby Garland provides the right tools for crappie fishing success in a vast range of situations, using various techniques. Baits begin with the Baby Shad, the most popular lure for crappie fishing, but also include vital minnow and insect imitations and extra tiny bait options for fussy fish and for matching extra small forage. The kit also includes jig heads to match different bait sizes, so you have everything you need.

Items In Kit:
24 Baby Shad
6 Itty Bit Slab Hunt'R
6 Itty Bit Mayfly
6 Live Roam'R
6 Mayfly
2 Mo' Glo Jigheads 1/16 oz.
1 Mo' Glo Jighead 1/8 oz.
1 Itty Bits Jighead 1/48 oz.

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