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Lindy Quiver Spoon-Red Tiger Glow-1/4 oz

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The Quiver Spoon, which can be tipped with a minnow head, larvae or plastics, comes in ¼-, 1/8, and 1/16-ounce sizes, so there is a good match for everything from pike and walleyes to panfish.


Ice fishermen have a fabulous new tool for those times when the fish are a bit more neutral and slow is the way to go. Constructed from lightweight tin and engineered with a distinctive bend, Lindy’s new Quiver Spoon descends slowly through the water column with a tantalizing, flashy quiver. To maximize flash, every Quiver Spoon is chrome- or gold-plated on the back. Front colors include four proven Glow colors and Metallic Red, Perch, Chrome and Gold. All Quiver Spoons come with a strike-prompting red treble hook. The Quiver Spoon, which can be tipped with a minnow head, larvae or plastics, comes in ¼-, 1/8, and 1/16-ounce sizes, so there is a good match for everything from pike and walleyes to panfish.

  • The Quiver Spoon's lightweight tin construction creates a slow tantalizing falling action that walleye, crappie, perch, and other game fish species alike cannot resist
  • Plated back gives off maximum flash which catches the attention of any game fish species in the area
  • Tip with minnows, larva or plastics


Model Weight (oz) Length (in) Hook
LQSP2 1/16 1" #12
LQSP3 1/8 1.5" #10
LQSP5 1/4 1.8" #8

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