- Feb 3, 2021
How to Use Floats & Live Bait for Spotted Sea Trout
Choosing the right float and rig allows for targeted presentations that produce excellent catches of sea trout and other inshore saltwater species.
“It’s the old time way to fish for trout around here. What everyone use to do,” Chris Holleman said as we stood side by side on the back deck of his boat, watching pole floats drift slowly away from us.
“And it’s a great way to catch fish,” he added with a smile as his float shot under and he set the hook into a sea trout.
Float fishing with large slip-style floats like Thill Big Fish Sliders and Weighted Pole Floats, allows you present live bait just off the bottom, where trout like to feed, and to effectively work areas to locate schools of fish. It produces well year ‘round but is especially effective during winter, when spotted sea trout (also commonly called speckled trout) tend to congregate in deeper holes in tidal creeks, rivers and canals.