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smallmouth bass on Boss Pop

Discontinued Fishing Lures: How the Boss Saved the 2-Inch BOOYAH Boss Pop

If you ever scratch your head when your favorite fishing lure becomes a discontinued fishing lure and then hard to find, you’re not alone!

Making emotional decisions sometimes isn’t smart. Making emotional decisions when you are running a company can be downright dumb. So, call me dumb, but I made the emotional decision a few years ago to not allow my favorite topwater lure, the 2-inch BOOYAH Boss Pop, to become a discontinued fishing lure.

In the fishing lure business, we frequently have what we call a “discontinued list.” This means these lures for whatever reason didn’t sell enough over a certain period of time, so they end up becoming discontinued fishing lures.

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creek smallmouth bass

4 Great Fishing Tackle Kits That Make Fishing Easy

Unsure what lures to tie on to find fishing success? These hand-picked fishing tackle kits simplify the answer.

Do you like easy?

Do you like catching fish?

How about combining these two?

That is what Lurenet offers with numerous fishing tackle kits, which range from a few carefully matched baits to large sets, and which collectively provide something for pretty much any fishing situation. Fishing tackle kits commonly combine baits that compliment each other, provide all the tackle needed for a technique, or provide multiple sizes and/or colors of a highly effective bait.

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spotted seatrout catch

Top to Bottom for Redfish & Trout

Selecting saltwater lures that allow you to effectively work the best part of the water column can help you catch more fish.

“Take it from the top.”

That phrase typically suggests going back to the beginning of a scene or song in some sort of rehearsal, but it’s also a good strategy for choosing saltwater lures for finding redfish or trout and tapping into the day’s finest action. Surface lures can be highly effective for prompting bites and serve up extra fun fishing. So, starting on top simply makes sense.

That said, some days fish will mostly near the bottom or somewhere between the top and bottom, so it’s valuable to have a “top to bottom” selection of saltwater lures and test offerings that work all parts of the water column, allowing the fish to reveal their daily preferences.

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Glow Jitterbug

Go With the Glow to Catch More Fish

Baits that light up the night do more than just look spooky. Learn to increase your catch rates with glow-in-the-dark or illuminated lures.

Glow baits are cool. Simple as that.  And when they light the night, there’s an undeniably spooky quality that goes with October.

Novel appeal only goes so far with fishing lures, though. Functionality is far more important. Thankfully, lures that hold a glow or are otherwise illuminated offer practical benefit. Namely, when used in the right situations, they help you catch more fish.

Glow offerings come in a broad range of sizes and in baits designed to work all parts of the water column and for many kinds of fish. Popular applications include night-fishing, ice fishing and working dirty water, but opportunities don’t end there.

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